Gut und günstig

Lots of people said we would find it difficult to find stuff to eat on our European travels, especially in deepest darkest alpine countries where the national dishes mainly consist of meat and cheese.

Most of the supermarkets we’ve been to have a wall of sausages, or wurst, and I’ve literally never seen so many varieties! Like, a whole aisle of them.

But luckily for us, there are the old faithfuls (thank you hummus) with a big ‘vegan’ symbol on the front to lead us in the right direction.

Hummus is life

Of course, we haven’t really eaten out being conscious of every cent spent and we have our lovely van to cook in. When we did eat out it consisted of beer and fries; I’m certainly not complaining about that!

The supermarkets are everywhere and have so much yummy fruit and veg we are very well fed. Ike is usually head chef with me passing him stuff out of the cupboards. Its like my own personal cooking show watching him cook up a feast, framed by the mountains or trees or blue skies in the background. Then I get to actually eat the food – winning!

Here is a selection of the yummy creations…

Gnocchi (gluten free) and salad with a balsamic glaze

Rooney breakfast spesh – tomatoes, mushies and onions on toast with sriracha

Oodles of noodles


Lunchtime feast

My new fave – super moorish albeit a bit too yellow. Kartoffelsalat!

2 thoughts on “Gut und günstig

  1. I do love a good ‘Kartoffelsalat’ too although I never quite managed to make it as nice as the real one. Food looks amazing, the sandwich spread looks like ‘Tartar’, German vegan spread made with mushrooms! Yummy!

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