Why so blue?

Aye-corona! What the fudge is going on in the world?! I’m swinging quite rapidly back and forth between ‘this is the end of the world as we know it’ to ‘nah, we gonna be fine!’.

Being in rural New South Wales we feel relatively far removed from the dreaded virus, but of course we are glued to our phones for updates. Yes, it’s pretty bloody depressing to know the infection rates and death tolls but also super interesting to follow the updates of this unprecedented, unknown situation. We are worried about friends and family back home, and those we know around the world so it’s become an addiction to finding out what’s happening.

I’m glad we made it to Australia when we did – seemed to have timed our visit perfectly between the end of the major wildfires and the start of the pandemic. A few weeks apple picking and a few weeks chilling with home comforts whilst we got the car ready for our road trip have been great.

We were supposed to already be on the road, being good citizens and practising our ‘self isolating’ – basically just the two of us in the car running away to the mountains and the outback! What better place to see through the apocalypse, right? Alas, it was not meant to be as the ladder on the roof tent went and bladdy broke didn’t it, so we have had to order a replacement (as none in stock nearby) and wait for it to be delivered.

So, we have been making the most of our extra days and today we took a road trip to the nearby Blue Mountains National Park. What a beauty. We went to a couple of view points and did a short walk down into the canyon where we walked through waterfalls and passed bubbling creeks. With bright green ferns all around us I reckon we stumbled across the set of Fern Gully!

Feast your eyes on these…

Starting the day right
Incredible views
I’m a creek. I’m a weirdo.
Cheers for the help guys
Sittin on top of the world
Can you see the rainbow
Bringing the fun in this hiking outfit

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