Big sky

We are in the land of big sky. And it’s awesome.

Before going on this trip I wanted to see big skies. No buildings in the way, just big beautiful openness. Freedom to see the weather coming and going and to see the moon and sun doing their thing, uninterrupted. Our current destination has certainly provided!

The area we are in is relatively flat so just a few small green hills and paddocks so you can see really far. Working on our current orchard gives us an amazing view over the valley under Mount Canobolas and the track behind the house has the best sunsets. We’re even lucky enough to see the milky way each morning when we leave for work (thanks to getting up at silly o clock each day!).

Feeling lucky.

Sunset behind the house
Looking out yonder
The goodest boys
Morning moon time
Sunrise at the orchard
How dya like them apples?
Different kinda colleagues here

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