Writer’s block

This isn’t exactly award winning writing. I have no amazing sponsorship deals from my travel updates, and I certainly don’t have many followers. However, it hasn’t stopped me getting a bit of writer’s block!

I can’t even blame being busy as I am fully embracing beach life right now (think slow, hot days where not a great deal happens) but I haven’t written in a while as I didn’t quite know what to write. But, today’s apparently the day where you all get an update!

Since my last post we have turned the travel speed right down and have essentially been in the same place for a few weeks now. The place I am currently calling home is Goa. On India’s west coast the small state is known for its beaches and Portuguese heritage. From sleepy fishing villages to full on trance raves, Goa has it all.

Palolem Beach

We’re based in a little place called Palolem in the south and, through a last minute change of plans, have actually been here a few weeks volunteering at a hostel (long story short we got let down by another guy but the guys here did us a massive favour by taking us on for a short while). Ike mans the front desk on the manager’s break and I am working with the social media (I’m an influencer now dahhhling) – and in return we get a bed and breakfast. Nice work if you can get it.

The first week we were here was brilliant – first as guests and then volunteers we met so many people, and actually the first bunch of British people that we had met our whole trip! The squad was a good one – people from many different backgrounds, spanning a wide age range we all got along really well. There were even a few Aussies thrown in the mix. It was nice to have a little community around, always bumping into each other at the beach or at our favourite cafes. Since everyone departed we have met loads of new people – every day new faces, every day new names to learn and every day new smiles to return.

Friendly friends

Time off has mainly been spent on the beach and eating food – what more could we want! After spending a long (long!) time moving on every few days its been great to have a base and not have to think about travel plans or where we will stay the next night, or the next. Palolem beach is a few minutes walk away so we often go for a swim in the mornings. Swim / float about…same same. We’ve been doing some yoga, eating amazing local and western vegan foods and learning new frisbee tricks. Often hiding from the heat of the day, many hours can be whiled away nursing a smoothie or a bowl of hummus (although, who am I kidding, the bowl of hummus is gone very quickly!). There is a gorgeous sunset most evenings, cows on the beach and the roads (everywhere!), and pigs roaming the fields and snuffling the bushes behind the hostel.

I think soon we will be ready to move on, but for now, being a beach bum is good.

Beach ready
Palolem beach from the south
C-O-L-A Cola beach
Palolem at night
That’s me
Helping out at the local animal rescue by taking the pooches on a walk
Safety first! Do we look like idiots? YES! Will our brains be protected in case shit goes down? YES! (I think I should add that we had a scooter and this isn’t just walking down the street!)
Happy birthday Jesus
Christmas time…mistletoe and…sand?
Christmas at Patnem beach
Papa Noel
Boxing Day solar eclipse chic
Palolem beach from the north
Let’s go fly a kite
It’s a full on Monet
Some of the amazing food we’ve been having
Worldwide fun
(English, Israeli, German and Romanian)
Shiny happy people
This view never gets old