Back on the water

These little piggies went a paddling

We made it to India! After flying into Kochi airport we headed south and spent our first few days in a town called Alappuzha, or Alleppey as it’s also known.

Our primary aim was to chill out – after spending so much time traveling here, there and everywhere over the last week we needed to be still…and not get on a train! Although the views from the trains were beautiful, I wasn’t sad that we weren’t getting on a five hour journey! In fact, the plane journey from Colombo to Kochi was barely an hour and it’s taken me these few days to realise I am actually in India and no longer Sri Lanka – both countries have similarities, but they are so, so different!

Alappuzha is referred to as the Venice of the east, buuuut I’m not quite sure that’s an accurate portrayal. There are canals a plenty though, and after a few days mooching about the busy town, eating dosa and trying not to get mown down by the crazy tuk tuk drivers, we took a kayaking trip on the backwaters.

A group of seven of us, from all corners of the globe, took to the water and made our way across the lagoon into the quieter waterways. The trip started early at 0630 and included breakfast…it didn’t take long for me to ask when that would be! There were a few hangovers amongst the group so most people were glad of the first stop at a little tea stand on the side of the river. It’s amazing what a cup of tea can do!! I’m sure my mother would agree with me there 🙂

When we set off again everyone was chatting, and laughing and getting to know one another. We had an American, a Canadian, a French lady, a guy from Thailand and another Brit.

It was fascinating paddling about the backwaters, right past people’s houses. Ladies doing the washing, men brushing their teeth and boats unloading building supplies. Carefully dodging other boats we made our way around and came back to the same tea stall for breakfast.

After the exercise we decided to get ourselves a cold one to ‘celebrate’. We don’t drink often, and besides it’s not that common here, but we found a restaurant selling beer and had two refreshing Kingfisher beers with lunch. I’m not going to lie – I felt pretty drunk as we left the restaurant!! So that, coupled with the morning activities, created the right conditions for an afternoon nap in the air conditioned room…ahhhhh….ZZzzz.

Today we move on. Rather than take the bus (which would be quicker) we’re taking a ferry down the backwaters half way to our destination. It takes longer but is certainly more scenic – past the floating flowers, alongside the palm trees and surrounded by ladies in bright coloured sari’s – and it is so cheap. Just 38 rupees (or 19 pence each).

Next stop: the school.

Water water everywhere
Washer women
Up the creek, avec le paddle
Photo courtesy of our Canadian friend
Can you see el capitan?
Off to Kottayam!

3 thoughts on “Back on the water

  1. What an amazing time you are having, some of the scenery is breathtaking.

    Will you be living near the school or will you be taking more tuk tuk rides?
    It would be wonderful to have some of the beautiful blue skies that you have but still I suppose someone has got to have the rain!
    At last we have got our new ceiling up now I suppose we will have to wait ages for it to be decorated, other than that all is fine with us.
    Take care my loves and look forward to hearing about your next chapter.
    With love from us both xx❤️❤️😘😘

    Sent from my iPad

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