Ay ay captain

Can we just take a moment to appreciate the ferry ride from Alleppey to Kottayam. At the cost of 19 pence and a few hours ride, it’s so beautiful! So glad we did this rather than the bus.

As we embarked on the boat we nabbed the seats up front to get the best views… although I soon realised why all the locals had sat in the middle. The glorious morning sunshine was beaming in through the front windows, turning me into a puddle. However, this was only a matter of time as I appear to exist in a liquified state these days and am always teetering on the edge of dehydration (jokes obvs, don’t worry parents we’re staying hydrated!).

The boat was full as we set off but soon emptied after the first few stops as people got off at the local temples and villages, and is now delightfully calm with only a few of us on board. We are passing rice paddies, cormorants, eagles, palm trees and lots of different waterways all around. I don’t think my photos will do it justice but here’s a few anyway…

Typical Keralan boats
Not a tuk tuk in sight
Front of house
Standing at the front
Barely a ripple

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