
And just like that four weeks have passed, we have finished our first work placement and we are moving on to new adventures!

We’ve both been really excited about this upcoming week because the last week has been a little stressful at times to be honest; miscommunication issues being at the heart of things. But, we did manage to get in another paddle on the lagoon before we left and we watched the sun go down at Tangalle beach, the full moon shining and then watched the sun rise again from our local Silent Beach, which I will miss so much!

I’ll miss the local dog squad, most of which we gave nicknames too (Puppy, One-Eyed Willy, Ronnie and Reggie to name a few). I’ll miss the friendly locals and their smiles. I’ll miss the market sellers, especially the lady who always gave us free bananas! I’ll miss the ocean views from our room and I’ll miss the new friends we made.

But I can’t wait to do more exploring. I can’t wait to climb some mountains. I can’t wait for more sunrises. I can’t wait to visit new towns. And I can’t wait to fly to India next week!! Eek!

But first…a few epic trains rides to do.

Sunrise from Silent Beach
Paddling with the team
Murky waters
The peanut lady!
Watching sunset with Rotem Totem and Saman
Where we got our bananas! We always tried to buy a little from each of the stalls to support them all, but this lady was one of my faves
The lovely team at Little Tamarind
Anura, Roshan, Sunny, Eli, Prageet (who looks like he’s been told off)
Always make time for play
We got a seat – hurrah!

One thought on “On

  1. Lovely post and beautiful photos. Enjoy the next few days before the next stage of your amazing adventure.
    All good here, it was great to have Jake and Nat with us for a couple of days.
    Take good care but have fun, with loads of love from us both, granny and grandad ❤️❤️😘😘😘😘

    Sent from my iPad

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